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Recessed Linear Light Options

Recessed Linear Lighting has become one of the most popular lighting styles for spaces of all looks and designs. Integrating smooth and continuous lines of lighting into your home, residence, or office creates a sleek and elegant look. We offer an unrivaled variety of recessed linear lighting solutions starting from 1/2 inch wide and going all the way up to 4 inch wide recessed linear lighting. Our most compact linear lighting solutions can be used for shelving, under-cabinet lighting, closets, and wall units. For drywall installations, our most compact solutions (less than depth of drywall) are generally only suitable for decorative or ambient lighting purposes. For general lighting applications (sole source of light in a space), our light fixtures generally require a minimum clearance of 1.30 inches (recessed depth) for low-voltage models or 3 inches for "line-voltage" models (allows one to connect directly to 120-277VAC). Our recessed lighting can be recessed into any drywall, solid, or drop ceiling; and we also have a series of "Trim-Less" light fixtures which have an integrated "plaster-bead" allowing one to mud-up, sand, and finish right up to the lens.

  • Recessed Linear Lighting for Cabinets and Shelving

  • Ambient/Decorative Recessed Linear Lighting for Drywall

  • Trim-Less (Plaster-In) Recessed Lighting Options

  • Recessed Linear Lighting with 120-277VAC Input

Low-Voltage, Slim, Recessed Linear Options
  • Low-Voltage, Recessed w/ Trim
  • Decorative, Shelf, Task Lighting
  • < 1/2" Recessed Depth
LVLBPY 1" Recessed Linear Light
  • 12-24VDC Input
  • Custom Sizes
  • RGB, RGB+W, and Tunable White
LVLBY2/23 2" Recessed Linear Light
  • 120-277VAC Input Available
  • 12-24VDC Input (Less Clearance)
  • Customizable
LVLBY3/33 3" Recessed Linear Light
  • 120-277VAC Input Available
  • 12-24VDC Input (Less Clearance)
  • Ultra High-Output Capable
LVLBY43 4" Recessed Linear Light
  • 120-277VAC Input
  • Bold, 4" Wide Recessed Linear
  • Excellent Office Lighting Solution
Trim-Less1.0 1" "Mud-In" Recessed Linear Light
  • 12-24VDC Input
  • Clean, Trim-Less Look
  • Customize to any Size
Trim-Less2.0 2" "Mud-In" Recessed Linear Light
  • 120-277VAC Input Available
  • 12-24VDC Input (Less Clearance)
  • Seam-Less Plaster-In Lighting
Trim-Less3.0 3" "Mud-In" Recessed Linear Light
  • 120-277VAC Input Available
  • 12-24VDC Input (Less Clearance)
  • High-Output Linear Mud-In Lighting
Trim-Less4.0 4" "Mud-In" Recessed Linear Light
  • 120-277VAC Input
  • Trim-less 4" Wide Recessed Linear
  • High-Output 4" Mud-In Linear Lighting
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